Jeannae Raley and William Lollar
4-year-old Child Found Roaming Alone Parents located and Arrested
December 21, 2011: According to Sheriff Ed Graybeal, A child 4 years of age was found on a bridge on east Main Street in Jonesborough, TN. The child was clothed, wearing shoes, jacket, blanket and an Elmo doll.
Washington County Sheriff Deputies and Jonesborough Public Safety Officers conducted a door to door search in an attempt to locate the child's parents and residence. Jonesborough Officers were conducting a roadblock showing motorists a picture of the child when a neighbor passing by identified her and advised of the location for the residence.
At 9:45am contact was made with the child's mother and her fiance at 128 Sycamore Drive, Jeannae Raley age 34 and William Lollar age 44 were taken into custody and transported to the Washington County Detention Center.
Ms. Raley and Mr. Lollar are charged with Aggravated Child Abuse, Neglect, and Endangerment. They are to appear in Washington County General Sessions Court on Thursday December 22, 2011 at 9am. Both parties are being held on a $50,000 bond each.
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