Reason, Liberty, & Culture

Liberalism's Double Standard on Bigotry and Intolerance

by Lewis Loflin

Also see Happy Face Assault on our Individual Liberties

Printed the Bristol Herald Courier December 27, 2013. Since then A&E backed off under public pressure, but is still pandering to the homo-fascists.

Re: Duck Dynasty - Lesbian feminist founder Susan Sontag says, "The white race is the cancer of human history." Celebrated Harvard academic Dr. Noel Ignatiev openly advocates the genocide of "whiteness" in the classroom and on his website

CNN anchor Tim Wise preaches similar hate across college campuses advocates the genocide of "whiteness" and "white privilege" while equating Christmas with "white racism." Liberalism today has been conflated into a reverse Nazi racism targeting the majority population for destruction. Success due to talent and hard work is now racism.

They're followers of "critical theory" seeing race as a "social construct" to be destroyed - but only for whites. Say anything unpopular with special protected groups - they are destroyed - free speech is trampled. Critical Theory among liberals is pure racism and hate.

Duck Dynasty is only the latest example. Remember the rodeo clown hysteria? Don't dare mock that black Messiah in public! This is not about "inclusion" but suppression of basic rights. As one that fought openly in this community against the placing of the Ten Commandments in the Sullivan County Courthouse I find liberals are a thousand times worse than the Religious Right ever was.

This attitude permeates the press, academia, etc. peddling this racist' poison through censorship of racist' violence against whites, intolerance against Christians, and affirmative action making a mockery of equality under the law.

I'm forced to renounce liberalism in total. White people and Christians have their rights too, free speech is the law, and these threats will sooner or later destroy everyone. Want equality? Start practicing some of it!

Another Assault on Free Speech

Newspaper editor Bob Eschliman felt the jackboot of homo-correctness come crashing down on him when he was fired from his job over critical comments toward Gay organizations on his private blog. The married father of two has filed a complaint with the EEOC for religious discrimination.

The Newton Iowa Dailey News is owned by Shaw Media Inc. who claimed his views being made public "compromised the reputation of this newspaper..." Terms such as "Gaystapo" Shaw considered hate speech.

While this is being filed as a religious discrimination suit the real danger is the assault on free speech period and the leftwing press is the worst example of it. They should be defending free speech not jackbooting it over political correctness at every opportunity.

This just shows how intolerant liberals really are with their constant double standards. Ref. AP July 26, 2014.

Rodeo clown committed 'hate crime,' NAACP says

The Washington Times Friday, August 16, 2013

The rodeo clown at the Missouri state fair who donned a mask of President Obama and mocked about a bull running him over is guilty of a hate crime, the head of the state's NAACP chapter said in a radio show late Thursday.

"I think that a hate crime has occurred," Mary Ratfliff said, on KXNT Radio, broadcast out of Las Vegas. "I think a hate crime occurs when you use a person's race to depict who they are and to make degrading comments, gestures et cetera about them."

...This is the same NAACP president who said that the Department of Justice and the Secret Service ought to open a case file on the incident and launch a federal investigation. The rodeo clown has already been banned for life from performing at the Missouri State Fair. Meanwhile, future performers will have to take sensitivity training as a condition of their fair hires.

Liberal racists can say anything they want. Oprah hints at white genocide as do a number of other liberals.

Oprah will never be held accountable for anything - under critical race theory whites are always racist - even if they don't know it or act it! While Progressives tout so-called "anti-racism" this is really inverse Nazism - singling out whites only for cultural if not racial genocide.

Their tactics are right out of the Nazi playbook where the target group is culturally and socially marginalized - before the full implementation of their final solution. Nazism wasn't worked out in a day, but force fed to an entire generation before it became possible.

Critical theory and it's off shoots was concocted by a collection of self-hating Jewish-Marxist refugees known today as the Frankfurt School. Giving up on discredited economic Marxism, they believed the problem was Western Culture and it had to be destroyed. So they apply Freud with Marxism to culture - shockingly their methods parallel the tactics used by Nazis against Jews. Class was replaced by race.

What was once the evil of national racial socialism under Hitler has become international racial socialism under Progressives. In this case white people and non-leftist' Jews (code name Zionists) are the target of cultural and racial destruction. What is so irrational is the number of leftist' Jews and leftist' whites that advocate the destruction of their own people - but are oblivious of the danger to themselves.

They believe they will rule the new world they seek to create and see fellow whites and non-leftist Jews as the only real obstacle. Remember Progressivism is a pseudo-religion to these fanatics and like all religious fanatics dogma overrules reason. Those that disagree are heretics to be either re-educated (sensitivity training), silenced, or eliminated.

Liberals advocate the destruction of white people and even other Jews they disapprove of wonder why blacks are attacking Jews in New York and anti-Semitism is so widespread among blacks and Hispanics.

Yet 99 percent of the ADL's rage for example is focused on white Christians who are among the least anti-Semitic. They claim it's anti-Semitic to believe Jews hold "too much power", yet these are the facts with Jews as 2 percent of the population:

Three members or one-third of the Supreme (Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan) are Jews along with six Catholics.

The 113th Congress has 12 percent of the Senate and 5 percent of the House are Jews and are often the most leftist members. Source

So it's anti-Semitic to quote Jewish sources? While Progressives rail against whites and white culture they sure like to practice it, but are stunned when they are targeted by those they defend and cover up for:

"Many African American/Caribbean residents expressed a genuine concern that as the Jewish community continues to grow, they would be pushed out by their Jewish landlords or by Jewish families looking to purchase homes...I respect and appreciate the Jewish community's family values and unity that has led to strong political, economic and cultural gains.

While I personally regard this level of tenacity, I also recognize that for others, the accomplishments of the Jewish community triggers feelings of resentment, and a sense that Jewish success is not also their success."

These were the words of Laurie Cumbo black New York City council woman. This relates to recent violence in Crown Heights and a violent game blacks use on whites-Asians in general called "knockout." She too will never be held responsible for her racist' views. Under critical theory (she is black) racial minorities can never be racists - they lack political power.

One can bet Cumbo won't face "sensitivity training."

But the story is entirely different for Paula Deen, the Rodeo Clown, or Duck Dynasty. How exactly did Laurie Cumbo get elected to office and be a victim of white power? Progressives are not only liars and racists - they are irrational.

While the New York police are investigating some of the attacks as anti-Semitic hate crimes - if the victims were simply non-Jewish whites there would no consideration of hate crime laws at all. Thus Jewish success is touted as white racism while as victims they are a special protected group. More double standards.

So I can go on all day with the lies, racism, and contradictions Progressives display - but definitions aside their actions define them. Anything is better than the system that rewards them with wealth and privilege most of us only dream of - and they hate it all.

When government practices double-standards and crushes individual liberty this undermines tolerance across the board. Treating people differently because of race is in fact racism and should be resisted.

Progressivism as Democratic Totalitarianism updated and revised March 2013 on what Hillary Clinton really meant when she called herself a "modern Progressive."

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