Black Crime Rates on Wiki
Black Crime Rates on Wiki

How Government Exported Black Crime into Ferguson Missouri

by Lewis Loflin

The shooting of two police officers in Ferguson Missouri has been played down in the press as somehow deserved. So has the recent attack on a black police officer at a local McDonald's by feral Blacks. After all they claim blacks are unfairly and disproportionately arrested and with a population that's around 65-70% black but 84% of the arrests are blacks.

It just has to be racism according to A.G. Holder frustrated when a white police officer was acquitted for shooting a 300lb 18-year-old black thug that tried to smash his face in.

A gang of Blacks attacked a black Ferguson police officer at McDonald's. Now the new police chief wants to put officers on bicycles - many fear for their safety. Desperate to get somebody Black that qualifies for the police force:

He (new police chief) said he would immediately start to address some of the concerns and recommendations in the Justice Department report, which recommended 'diversifying' (hiring less or unqualified officers based only on race) the department...Chief Eickhoff said he was trying to recruit a black Ferguson resident as a cadet, who would be paid by the city while attending the police academy and then join the city's police force upon graduation...Recruitment is difficult when there are episodes like what happened to the black officer at the McDonald's, Chief Eickhoff said.

Here's my African-American officer, who, like I always tell, could be my poster child," he said. "Educated man, loves this department, loves this community, and he's set upon and abused and assaulted by water bottles. Now I'm supposed to go out the next day and recruit African-American officers? And they're like: "Wow, we're being singled out. Why would I want to come here?"

They don't offer pay to other officers at the academy and we can bet he WILL graduate regardless of ability.

Ref. Ferguson Chief Takes Steps Urged in Report The New York Times March 26, 2015.

Several facts are left out of national news reports it seemed often geared towards inciting violence. Ferguson since the 1980s has become a Section 8 housing dumping ground moving the feral and violent populations from St. Louis to the suburbs.

On September 3, 2014 The New York Times article "Another Shadow in Ferguson as Outside Firms Buy and Rent Out Distressed Homes" notes outside firms are buying up more property for rent to Section 8 recipients and flooding the community with more shiftless and criminal prone people.

Anyone with half a brain knows Section 8 housing is a breeding ground for violence - vouchers have transformed Ferguson into riots central. According to various reports:

Ferguson is today 70 percent black, but in 2000 it had only a slight black majority and was 44 percent white. Back in 1990, the city was 73 percent white and 25 percent black. In 1980, Ferguson was 85 percent white and 14 percent black. In 1970, the city was 99 percent white.

Instead of dealing with the problem we simply move it around and try to scatter it over a larger geographic area. Whites are fleeing this imported crime wave and for good reason. To quote:

The data on Section 8 also show that the subsidies have tended to cluster in lower-income areas. Many inner-ring North County suburbs are disproportionately absorbing the tenants who have flocked to aging apartment complexes.

That includes Ferguson. A census tract that consists of a portion of Oakmont Townhomes and Northwinds Apartments and stretches eastward into unincorporated St. Louis County had more Section 8 renters in 2013 than any tract in the entire state, according to HUD estimates.

In that area, nearly 20 percent of the 5,000 people who lived there were in Section 8 units. More than half of those households had median incomes of less than $10,000; 57 percent were headed by one parent; and 99 percent were African-American.

According to records from the Housing Authority of St. Louis County, three of the top nine recipients of Section 8 payments from June 2011 to June 2014 were the owners of Park Ridge, Northwinds and Oakmont. Currently, more than 200 tenants in those complexes have vouchers.

Ref. "As low-income housing boomed, Ferguson pushed back", by Jesse Bogan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, October 19, 2014

To further quote,

And the tenants imported by Section 8 housing and other forms of government subsidies are disproportionately responsible for crime in Ferguson. In recent years, half of all police calls in Ferguson came from a cluster of complexes that include Park Ridge, Northwinds, Oakmont Townhomes, Versailles Apartments and Canfield Green, where Michael Brown was fatally shot by police in August.

Ref. "State treasurer asks for review of subsidized low-income housing in Ferguson area," by Jesse Bogan St. Louis Post-Dispatch, December 11, 2014.

And further proof of Government exporting crime into communities with Section 8 housing:

In reality, crime only follows Section 8 tenants to the suburbs, according to a large body of research, including a 2011 HUD-commissioned study. That's precisely what happened in Ferguson, once a quiet, working-class St. Louis suburb.

Michael Brown grew up in the Section 8 epicenter of Ferguson, a small southeast corner of the city that includes several sprawling apartment complexes catering to subsidized poor renters. That area accounted for a whopping 40% of all robberies and 28% of all aggravated assaults reported in the city between 2010 and 2012, according to local crime data...

Ref. LBJ's War On Poverty Lies Beneath Ferguson Tragedy, by Paul Sperry, Investor's Business Daily, September 3, 2014.

Is it any wonder police become cynical and negative towards this type of population dealing with this year after year? The New York Times and other report 50% of the residential mortgages in Ferguson are "under water." With businesses burned by black rioters nobody will locate anything in this third-world war zone.

Another tidal wave of crime is heading to St Louis suburbs. Quoting September 2014 St. Louis is opening enrollment for more Section 8 Housing.

To quote,

"Section 8 is one of many government subsidized housing programs for low-income people and those with disabilities. Recipients pay 30 percent of their income in rent; the government pays the remainder directly to the landlord."

No wonder outside firms are cleaning up on exporting crime into low income white communities. They are expecting 10,000 new applicants and applications can be submitted 24 hours a day at

Government transformed Ferguson into a third-world hell hole, but what about the so-called "disproportionate" black arrest rates? Let's look at stats from the Federal Government and Missouri State Police for the not so shocking facts.

The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) relies on crime victims to identity attackers. In 2010 320,082 whites were victims of black violence versus 62,593 black victims of white violence. With a population in 2010 197 million whites and 38 million blacks the violence rate of black on white is 25 times white on black. (849 per 100,000 versus 32 per 100,000.)

According to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services blacks are 3.1 times as likely as whites to end up in emergency rooms for drug abuse.

With blacks at 11.7% of the Missouri population:

Blacks per capita commit 16.3 times the murders of whites/Hispanics.

Blacks per capita commit rape at 5 times the rate of whites/Hispanics.

Blacks commit per capita 22.2 times the robberies of Whites/Hispanics.

Blacks commit per capita 5.3 times the assaults of Whites/Hispanics.

Blacks per capita commit 4.6 times the burglaries of Whites/Hispanics.

Blacks per capita commit 3.95 times the thefts of Whites/Hispanics.

Blacks per capita commit 2.8 times the auto thefts of Whites/Hispanics.

Blacks per capita commit 3 times the arson offences of Whites/Hispanics.

See Crime Rates by Race Missouri

Blacks in every category per capita commit crime in vast and disproportionate numbers over everyone else combined. The more violent the crime the greater the number of Blacks involved.

In addition the lie quoted in the press that Whites commit other crimes at the same rate as Blacks was based on a non-scientific poll. DHHS statistics on emergency room treatment for drug/alcohol related problems proves Blacks per capita are 3.5 times more likely than whites to end up in emergency rooms for drug abuse. This clearly correlates to again disproportionate numbers of Blacks engaging in criminal activity.

How is diversity working for Ferguson? banner.

Female victims of black violence.


Lewis Loflin


Lewis Frog

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