Illegal Alien Murders Mother of Five in Hamblen County
Lewis Loflin
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Adelina Delasancha according to some was an illegal alien living in Hamblen County, Tennessee and had five children ages 4 to 23. As is typical with far too many Hispanics it seems she wasn't married to the father of her many children. It's almost certain they were on welfare.
The children's supposed father, 41-year-old Carmen Vences, murdered her and left the wreckage of this latest illegal alien mess on the hands of U.S. taxpayers. He is an illegal alien too.
According to Hamblem County authorities Vences killed his girlfriend on Mother's Day in "a fit of jealous rage." To quote: The shooting took place during a coming-of-age celebration for a Hispanic youth that was being held at a business rented for the occasion at 111 Spencer Hale Rd., the sheriff said. Her youngest children were at the party and watched the shooting, which occurred after Vences got into an altercation with another male at the scene." The Associated Press May 11. 2009.
In further information extracted from the Knoxville News Sentinel:
Delasancha has five children ranging in age from 4 years old to 23 years old, and three of them - including the youngest - were present at the party. As the celebration went into the early morning hours, the father of her children - identified as 41-year-old Carmen Vences - came to the party and started an altercation with a male partygoer..."
He was escorted out but then broke away, ran back to the mother and struck her with the butt of a pistol. He then walked on top of her and fired into her body as she was lying on the floor. "She was begging for her life, and the children were there." Delasancha died from "multiple gunshot wounds to the head." He is still on the run.
According to Hamblem County authorities Hispanics commit a lot of violent crime in the area. But while they ignore the problems of this "cheap labor" and a 20% unemployment rate, that's not the worst of it as this illegal alien couple and their five children of unknown legal citizenship can really cost.
The Earned Income Tax Credit and Illegal Immigration:
A Study in Fraud, Abuse, and Liberal Activism
Edwin S. Rubenstein reports in the above titles report that illegal aliens with children are costing taxpayers billions in fraudulant claims under the earned income tax credit. To quote,
EITC is a very generous program. For a household with two children, the credit is equal to 40% of earnings. In effect, taxpayers give these folks a 40% raise if their income is below a certain level. Even if recipients have not paid a single cent in taxes, they are eligible for the full tax credit amount-up to $4,800 in 2008. The credit does phase out-but only when income approaches the poverty level...Nearly one-third of all EITC claims are "improperly paid" according to the GAO. At $10.5 billion, fraudulent EITC payments in fiscal 2005 ranked second among the 57 federal programs reviewed by the agency-surpassed only by Medicare...
Since illegal aliens are imported to Morristown to undercut wages of legal workers and keep poverty levels high even for legal families, the amount paid via EITC is staggering. Only those with a valid social security number as supposed to get this money, but because of government policy not to enforce immigration laws they refuse to verify them for those making claims for EITC. "Immigrants account for 13% of the U.S. population, but receive an estimated 26% of EITC benefits in 2008. Illegal aliens receive the EITC at even greater rates than legal immigrants" all with the help even from H & Block according to Rubenstein.
This doesn't include the cost of legal residents forced into poverty by all of this illegal alien labor that also end up collecting from social programs. The Center for Immigration Studies ( notes the following:
The native-born workers adversely affected by Mexican immigration are already among the poorest in the United States. More than one-fourth of the native-born working poor lack a high school education. Natives without a high school education also comprise a large share of Americans trying to move from welfare to work.
There is no evidence to indicate that the United States has a shortage of unskilled workers that needs to be satisfied by immigration from Mexico. The real wages (adjusted for inflation) of high school dropouts who work full-time actually declined 7.2 percent in the 1990s, while the real wages for other workers increased. Also, the number of jobs available for unskilled workers declined by 400,000...The average income of Mexican immigrants is less than half that of natives.
While their income rises steadily the longer they live in the United States, even long-time Mexican immigrants do not come close to closing the gap with natives. More than half of legal Mexican immigrants who have been in the United States for more than 20 years and their U.S.-born children (under age 18) live in or near poverty.
Even after welfare reform, welfare use among Mexican immigrant households remains much higher than that of natives. An estimated 33.9 percent of households headed by legal Mexican immigrants and 24.9 percent of those headed by illegal Mexican immigrants used at least one major welfare program. In contrast, 14.8 percent of native households used welfare. Moreover, Mexican immigrant welfare use remains much higher than that of natives, even among Mexican immigrants who have lived in the United States for many years.
More than one-half (52.6 percent) of Mexican immigrants do not have health insurance, compared to 13.5 percent of natives, and Mexican immigration by itself accounts for 3.3 million or 29 percent of the growth in the size of the nation's total uninsured population since 1987. Even among legal Mexican immigrants who have lived in the country for more than 20 years, more than one-third are still uninsured.
Because of their much lower average incomes and resulting lower tax payments, coupled with their heavy use of means-tested programs, Mexican immigrants have a significant negative effect on public coffers. Based on estimates developed by the National Academy of Sciences for immigrants by age and education level at arrival, the estimated lifetime net fiscal drain (taxes paid minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is negative $55,200.
By itself, Mexican immigration accounts for 2.9 million or one-third of the national increase in the school-age population since 1982. The impact on public schools in some states has been even larger. (Other reports say over half of Hispanic students dropout of school.)
The lower educational attainment of Mexican immigrants appears to persist across generations. The high school dropout rates of native-born Mexican-Americans (both second and third generation) are two and a half times that of other natives. As a result, native-born Mexican Americans lag far behind other natives in income, welfare use, and other measures of socio-economic well being.
In Appalachia we have enough poverty and unskilled, low-wage workers without importing more of them.
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