Dustin Ricky Harrell
Jonesborough Tennessee Man Arrested for Torturing Dog
November 18, 2011: Jonesborough man arrested following Investigation into Torturous death of "Man"s Best Friend".
According to Sheriff Ed Graybeal, Investigators arrested Dustin Ricky Harrell, age 21, 1178 Old Stage Road, Jonesborough following an investigation into the killing of a family pet dog named "Honey". Harrell admitted that he had thrown the dog down stairs repeatedly, held it under water, placed the dog in the clothes dryer and cycled the dryer for approximately 4 minutes. The dog's leg was broken during the torture causing it to cry for help. The dog's mouth was taped shut to prevent it from crying out further.
Harrell was charged with Aggravated Cruelty to an Animal. He is currently being held in the Washington County Detention Center under a $10,000 bond. His arraignment will be held November 21, 2011 at 0900 in General Sessions Court.
He later pleaded guilty. See http://www.johnsoncitypress.com/News/article.php?id=103769#axzz2QmMgZQu2
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