James Swinehart, Vicki Swinehart, and Darnelle Cook
Three Arrested on Drug Charges in Limestone Tennessee
April 27, 2011: According to Sheriff Ed Graybeal, Washington County Deputy's received a complaint of a suspicious vehicle in the 3600 block area of Old State Route 34, Limestone; an area plagued with thefts from homes and a cemetery. The vehicle was located a short time later at a nearby convenience store.
Officers approached the occupants to inquire about possible criminal activity in the area and after a brief field investigation, officers located 324 grams of marijuana and 2 grams of cocaine inside the suspicious vehicle. The occupants were identified as James Swinehart, age 44, 2506 Mckinley Road; Vicki Swinehart, age 49, 2506 Mckinley Road; and Darnelle Cook, age 33, 1410 Colony Park Drive. All three were charged with Possession of schedule VI for resale, and simple possession of schedule II.
Bond for the trio was set at $20,000 each and arraignment is scheduled for today.
The investigation is continuing and more charges are possible.
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