Bristol Tennessee Woman Faces Felony Drug Charges Over Leaky Exhaust
by Washington County Virginia Sheriffs Dept.
1-3-2012: A traffic stop late Friday night in Washington County, Virginia, has resulted in the confiscation of approximately one quarter pound of marijuana, cash, and the seizure of a motor vehicle, with drug charges being placed against a Bristol, TN woman.
According to Washington County Sheriff Fred Newman, Sgt. Robbie Cruise and Deputy Brandon McPherson conducted a traffic stop on Lee Highway on a vehicle with a loud exhaust. During the stop, the officers observed drug paraphernalia in an open pocketbook lying in the front seat of the vehicle.
A search of the vehicle was conducted, and four (4) bags of what appeared to be marijuana were located inside of a duffel bag that was lying on the rear seat of the vehicle. A small quantity of hydrocodone pills were found in the accused's pocketbook.
Shawntella Counts, age 41, of 5955 Springdale Drive, Bristol, TN, was arrested. A 2001 Honda Civic, and $239 in cash were seized in the traffic stop, along with the marijuana and pills. Counts has been charged with:
1. Possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute;
2. Possession of a Schedule III controlled substance; and
3. Illegal exhaust.
Counts was transported to the Abingdon Facility of the Southwest Virginia Regional Jail and, subsequently, released on a $5,000 unsecured bond.
Moral of the story: get your vehicle past inspection if dealing drugs in Virginia.
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