Derek Wayne Goulet
Two Erwin Tennessee Men Charged in Two Different Burglary Cases
Case 1: Erwin man charged with burglary following search.
May 30, 2014 - According to Sheriff Ed Graybeal, Washington County Investigators have charged Derek Wayne Goulet, age 22, 4514 Highway 81 south, Erwin; with the Aggravated Burglary of his neighbors home.
The Aggravated Burglary investigation began only days ago, when the home owner came home to find a door had been forced open. Late yesterday evening a Washington County Deputy obtained consent to search Goulet's home and observed some of the stolen property inside. Investigators were called to the scene and a substantial amount of the stolen property was recovered including televisions, game systems, a freezer, chairs, and other items.
Goulet was charged with Aggravated Burglary and Theft over $1000. His bond was set at $25,000 with arraignment scheduled for this morning.

Josh Fender
Case 2: Erwin man charged with business burglaries in Washington County.
May 30, 2014 - According to Sheriff Ed Graybeal, Washington County Investigators have charged Josh Fender, age 26, 1085 7th Street, Erwin; with the burglary of "The Store" a convenience store located on Cherokee Road in the Lamar area of Washington County, TN. The Store was broken into, in April of this year when the glass in the front door was smashed out allowing a burglar to enter the business and remove numerous packs of cigarettes valued at over $500. Investigators obtained video of the burglary from the business and a home nearby.
After developing Fender as a suspect, county investigators contacted Johnson City Police Department, who had several business burglaries on the same date as the Store burglary. Working together the 2 agencies interviewed Fender and obtained a confession to 6 business burglaries. Fender was charged with 6 counts of burglary, 3 counts of theft, and Vandalism. His total bond was set at $78,000 with an arraignment scheduled for this morning.
Fender was out on probation for a business burglary and thefts from 2006 when he violated the terms of his release in 2008 for additional business burglaries. Fender was sentenced to additional probation in 2010 for the 2008 burglary charges after pleading guilty. Fender was charged with a violation of probation in early May and was released days before these new burglaries occurred in Washington County.
News Release Johnson City Police Department
On 02/18/2012 at approx. 2130 hours officers of the Johnson City Police Dept attempted to stop a subject for reckless driving in the area of Water and Elm Streets. The driver of that vehicle, later identified as Roy L. Fields, 28 yoa, of 449 Woodlyn Rd, Johnson City, TN, refused to stop for police and drove in a reckless manner in an attempt to avoid apprehension.
An arrest warrant was issued for Mr. Fields for 3 counts of Reckless Endangerment and Evading Arrest which was served on him at his residence at approx. 0230 hours. Mr. Fields was transported to the Washington County Detention Center where he is being held in lieu of a $40,000.00 bond. He is awaiting a hearing in General Sessions Court Co on 02/21/2012 at 0900 hours.
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