Adrienne Shelly
Adrienne Shelly Murdered by Illegal Alien
Adrienne Shelly was murdered. Many might have heard about it, but didn't know all the facts. The killer "punched her in the face at least once, knocking her out...he dragged Shelly into the bathroom in order to stage a suicide...then got a sheet which was on the bed and tied it around her neck and dragged her by the other end of the sheet from the hallway to the bathroom" She was hanged alive.
To quote, "Diego Pillco had no business being in America - a fact downplayed by much of the Mainstream Media. The New York Times (Looking for Solace in a Slice of Pie, by Julia Moskin, April 18, 2007) and, a month later, Copley News Service (May 18, 2007) both referred to Pillco as "a 19-year-old construction worker." The Syracuse Post-Standard (May 30, 2007, pay archive) wrote of him as "the worker." But, on the plus side, the New York Daily News (November 9, 2006) called Pillco a "19-year-old illegal immigrant." He learned his trade from strangling pigs in Ecuador.
I don't believe this was racially motivated, but the fact the killers race and immigration status was hidden brings race into question again. The press seems to censure the illegal alien crime wave like they do the black crime wave. But while we are talking about the press and I've been accused of racism for bringing this stuff up, and had demands for more sources, here's some more stats.
It seems this website and others are getting to the Liberal press. To quote the Chicago Tribune June 10, 2007 story by Howard Witt entitled What is a hate crime?, He asks, "Some are asking why no media outcry over murders in which victims were white and those charged are black?" Good question.
The Murder and the Aftermath
The 40-year old Shelly was found dead at approximately 5:45 p.m on November 1, 2006. Her husband, Andrew Ostroy, found her hanging by a bed sheet[13] from a shower rod in the bathtub of the Abingdon Square apartment in Manhattan's West Village that Shelly used as an office.
It initially appeared to be a suicide. Ostroy had dropped her off at 9:30 a.m. that day, and as the building's doorman told journalists that he had accompanied Ostroy at his behest after Ostroy had not heard from Shelley that day. Upon reaching the apartment, they found that the front door had been left unlocked. Ref. www.nypost.com
An autopsy was performed the following day. The New York City Police Department was suspicious of sneaker prints in the bathtub that did not match Shelly's shoes (she was found wearing only socks). Shelly's husband also indicated that there was money missing from Shelly's wallet. He denied allegations that she would have committed suicide.
Press reports on November 6, 2006 stated that police had arrested construction worker Diego Pillco, a 19-year-old Ecuadorian illegal immigrant who confessed to killing Shelly after she complained about the noise he was making in the apartment below hers. Pillco said that he "was having a bad day". Police said Pillco had made a taped confession implicating himself in the murder.
Diego Pillco entered his guilty plea on February 14, 2008. He said that, contrary to his original story, Shelly had not complained about noise, but had in fact caught him stealing money from her purse after he slipped unnoticed into the apartment. When she tried to call the police, he grabbed the phone and covered her mouth as she began to scream.
After Shelly fell, Pillco tied a bed sheet around her neck and decided to strangle her. Originally, Pillco claimed he didn't know Shelly was still alive when he hanged her, but in court he admitted to choking her with a sheet, tying it around her neck, and stringing her up to make it look like she committed suicide. The medical examiner determined that Shelly was still alive when hanged. Pillco was sentenced to 25 years in prison without parole on March 6, 2008.
At Pillco's sentencing on March 13, 2008, Shelly's husband, along with family members said that they would never forgive him. Andy Ostroy had said of Pillco "...you are nothing more than a coldblooded killer" and that he hoped he would "rot in jail". (extracts Wiki and New York Post)
Husband Sue Over Illegal Alien
Ref. New York Post November 4, 2008 extract:
Andrew Ostroy the husband of murdered actress Adrienne Shelly blames the contractor and building owner for her death at the hands of an illegal alien. He seeks to hold the owners and management of the building where she was killed accountable, calling them "vicariously liable" for her death...The suit notes that "Pillco was an undocumented immigrant," as were his co-workers, and contends that Bradford General Contractors hid this fact like many businesses do to boost profits.
Illegal alien Diego Pillco, 20, is serving a 25-year sentence and I'm sure there sooner or later there will be claims of racism in his behalf from Al Sharpton and friends..
Update August 20, 2010 New York Post
The judge presiding over a wrongful-death suit brought by the family of actress/writer Adrienne Shelly has ordered the Manhattan district attorney to hand over minutes from the grand-jury proceedings involving her killer...
Both sides in the civil case had wanted to see the grand-jury minutes....In a highly unusual ruling, State Supreme Court Justice Louis York ordered the documents handed over. He noted that there were no civilian witnesses interviewed, that the criminal case was over and that the grand jury was dismissed several years ago.
The civil suit is still undecided as of January 2011. I shall track events as they unfold.
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