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Byzantine Empire 555AD

Environmentalism is Religious in Nature

by Lewis Loflin

On March 8 a local Bristol resident General Parks letter to the editor lamented the large scale doubt about man-made global warming. He revealed what I already knew that it really wasn't about science, but social and religious issues. Below is my response and backing documentation. It's also obvious from his attacks on capitalism where his sympathies lie.

Published: March 11, 2009 Bristol Herald Courier

Kudos to General Parks' letter published March 8 for revealing the truth: "whether global warming is real or not isn't the issue...Global warming actually matters little..." His disdain of capitalism aside, quoting Lou Dobbs (January 6) on this issue, "they bring this thing to a personal belief system. It's almost a religion, without any question..." It is a religion with fascist underpinnings. As a religion it's a violation of separation of religion (Constitution says religion not church) and state.

What right does Parks and his ilk have to impose misery and poverty on millions of people merely to promote their belief system? The Messiah in the White House admitted in the San Francisco Chronicle this "cap and trade" nonsense will make things far worse for people than the massive power rate increases the Herald Courier ran a series on.

Equally stupid is this planned wind farm in Tazewell County. (VA) It doesn't make sense to cut down thousands of acres of trees for inefficient windmills, whose losses and high costs will simply be imposed on rate payers. It's not about trees and never was.

Anyone who doesn't think this isn't a religion should read Al Gore's book "Earth in the Balance." It's loaded with New Age nonsense. The fact is environmentalism is a fundamentalist religion in the worst meaning of the word. It's the cries of millions of New Age and/or agnostic, affluent progressives searching for meaning in their empty lives. They want to impose their pseudo-religious dogma on everyone else.

Lewis Loflin Bristol, Va.

Original version before it was edited by the Herald Courier:

Kudos to General Park's letter (March 8) for revealing the truth: "whether global warming is real or not isn't the issue...Global warming actually matters little..." His disdain of capitalism aside, quoting Lou Dobbs (January 6) on this issue, "they bring this thing to a personal belief system. It's almost a religion, without any question..." It is a religion with fascist underpinnings. As a religion it's a violation of separation of religion (Constitution says religion) and state.

What right does Parks and his ilk have to impose misery and poverty on millions of people merely to promote their belief system? The Messiah in the White House admitted in the San Francisco Chronicle this "cap and trade" nonsense will make things far worse for people than the massive power rate increases the Herald Courier ran a series on.

Equally stupid is this wind farm in Tazewell Country. Cutting down thousands of acres of trees for inefficient windmills, whose losses and high cost plus a hefty profit, will simply be imposed on rate payers. It's not about trees and never was.

Anyone that doesn't think this isn't a religion, read Al Gore's (who attended divinity school) book 'Earth in the Balance. It's loaded with New Age nonsense. To quote: "As it happens, the idea of social justice is inextricably linked in the Scriptures with ecology." (246-7) Also Indian Religion (259), goddess worship and eastern mysticism (260), etc.

The fact is Environmentalism is a fundamentalist religion in the worse meaning of the word. It's the cries of millions of New Age and often affluent Progressives searching for meaning in their empty lives. They want to impose their pseudo-religious dogma on everyone else.

It's time to remove this religion from government and our public schools.

"...we feel increasingly distant from our roots in the earth...civilization itself has been on a journey from its foundations in the world of nature to an evermore contrived, controlled and manufactured world of our initiative and sometimes arrogant design...At some point during this journey we lost our feeling of connectedness to the rest of nature...We dare now to wonder: Are we so unique and powerful as to be essentially separate from the earth?..."

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