Kate Marvel preaching hate of whites in the name of climate.
Doomsday Prophecy For Environmentalists
by Lewis Loflin
Global-scale changes in the area of atoll islands during the 21st century
Ref. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2021.100282, Anthropocene Volume 33, March 2021, 100282
Atolls are doing just fine. Abstract:
The long-term persistence of atoll islands is under threat due to continued sea level rise driven by anthropogenic climate change. ... Using rich collections of Landsat imagery, this study analyses changes in land area on 221 atolls in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Results show that, between 2000 and 2017, the total land area on these atolls has increased by 61.74 km2 (6.1 %) from 1007.60 km2 to 1069.35 km2. ...the Maldives have added 37.50 km2 of land area, while 16.57 km2 of new islands have appeared within the South China Seas Spratly and Paracel chains...
Note this was no mistake from activists:
"Despite concerns of erosion driven by sea level rise, no published evidence exists of pervasive erosion of atoll islands at a global scale. Existing studies of atoll island change have been based on small, temporally sparse samples of islands on a limited number of atolls. As a result, the global response of atoll islands coincident with sea level rise remains uncertain."
According to NOAA, precipitation from 1910 to 2017 has increased. This increase in precipitation should not have happened because climate spiritualists claim that global warming would cause more significant droughts.
Instead of relying on questionable computer models, let us examine known and proven science.
Based on actual historical data, 1930s droughts are the worst in America and the world. The 1950s were also bad.
As NOAA pointed out, increased temperature increases precipitation and rainfall. To quote,
"How is that (rain) tied to warming? The same way: a warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor and an atmosphere with more water vapor can make more precipitation. And the warmer it gets, the higher the theoretical "Big Rain" events can get. That's playing out in the data, pretty much any way you look at it.
These two trends - wetter conditions overall, and bigger Big Rain... And that brings us back to hurricanes and tropical storms, or "tropical cyclones" for short. We've long known that generally speaking, warmer means more intense storms and more potential rainfall, but the latest piece of knowledge on tropical cyclones is that they appear to be slowing down, for reasons that aren't entirely clear."
Even nature spiritualist Bill McKibben admits this in his 1989 novel The End of Nature. On page 30, he quotes S. Fred Singer, a professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia:
"For example, as oceans warm and more water vapor enters the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect will increase somewhat, but so should cloudiness-which keep our incoming solar radiation and thereby reduce the warming."
In addition, on page 30, Mr. McKibben reveals that NASA scientist Dr. James Hansen (a paid activist) is just guessing at his doom-and-gloom climate proclamations. To quote,
"The computer models have tried to incorporate such factors. In some cases, Hansen admits we simply don't have enough knowledge to do more than make educated guesses - for the behavior of the oceans is something of a wild card, and so are the clouds (the difficulty of estimating cloud feedback is a major reason that most warming projections expressed as a range of temperatures and not a single, firm number)."
That is what I have been saying for years. It is impossible to computer model future climate events because it is impossible to computer model cloud cover, volcanic eruptions, variations in solar radiation, and even intensity of cosmic rays-all to some degree or in combination can affect the climate.
There is no evidence that the slight 2°F warming since 1800 is having any effect on current weather or climate.
Let me be clear I'm not saying we shouldn't plan for and consider such future events, but far too many others have hijacked this issue for other ulterior motives.
I do not wish to disparage these people, but they are demanding political and economic changes that will negatively impact the lives of millions of people. We can't do this based on speculation, emotion, and mere desires for political change.
This irrational nonsense has taken on the characteristics of a religious crusade. These people, in their minds, mean well, but many advocate prison and censorship of those that dare question their theology. That is fascism.
To quote Patrick Moore co-founder of Greenpeace:
The collapse of world communism and the fall of the Berlin Wall during the 1980s added to the trend toward extremism. The Cold War was over and the peace movement was largely disbanded. The peace movement had been mainly Western-based and anti-American in its leanings. Many of its members moved into the environmental movement, bringing with them their neo-Marxist, far-left agendas. To a considerable extent the environmental movement was hijacked by political and social activists who learned to use green language to cloak agendas that had more to do with anticapitalism and antiglobalization than with science or ecology
In Environmentalism: A New Religion? David G. Danielson writes,
Today, the doomsday prophets are environmental scaremongers who rake in millions of dollars frightening the gullible with contemporary fables of ozone depletion, acid rain, and oceans ruined forever by tanker accidents. They may think their racket is new, but it's simply the same old game the evangelists have played for centuries, dressed up in a jargon more effective for audiences born in a scientific age...
Rabbi Daniel Friedman, of Deerfield, Illinois, considers environmentalism to be a lay rehash of end-times mythology. "It is striking," he notes, "the extent to which Environmentalism resembles classic religious [prophecies about the end of time]. Man is still the rebellious sinner. The source of evil isn't Satan but the industrial revolution, technology, productivity, and capitalism. Redemption is to return to that Eden-like state of nature before man's corruption of the Earth."
Regardless of whether the Bible's Eden is a myth, the pre-industrial Eden imagined by environmentalists certainly is: Prior to the industrial revolution, most children didn't live past age five, and existence for the average adult was a plague-ridden, hungry affair, pretty much like "life" today in those societies that have never discovered free enterprise.
In the religion of environmentalism, it is the power of the state - not the supernatural power of God or church - that is designed to bring about salvation. Instead of Adam and Eve, the Burning Bush, and the Splitting of the Red Sea, environmentalism has alar, acid rain, asbestos, dioxin, global warming, and ozone depletion...
The Population Bomb (1968) is a book written by Paul R. Ehrlich. A best-selling work, it predicted disaster for humanity due to overpopulation and the "population explosion". The book predicted that "in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death", that nothing can be done to avoid mass famine greater than any in the history, and radical action is needed to limit the overpopulation.
History proved Ehrlich wrong, as the mass starvations predicted for the 1970s and 1980s never occurred. (Note a big follower of this nonsense is billionaire Ted Turner of the UN Foundation. See Beware of Environmental Hysteria and Exposing the UN Climate Change Panel and Its Politics.)
Critics have compared Ehrlich to Thomas Malthus for his multiple predictions of famine and economic catastrophe. The leading critic of Ehrlich was Julian Lincoln Simon, a libertarian theorist and the author of the book The Ultimate Resource, a book which argues a larger population is a benefit, not a cost. To test their two contrasting views on resources, in 1980, Ehrlich and Simon entered into a wager over how the price of metals would move during the 1980s.
Ehrlich predicted that the price would increase as metals became more scarce in the Earth's crust, while Simon insisted the price of metals had fallen throughout human history and would continue to do so. Ehrlich lost the bet. Indeed such was the decline in the price of the five metals Ehrlich selected, Simon would have won even without taking inflation into account.
In Ehrlich's books, many predictions are made, for example, The Population Bomb begins "[t]he battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s the world will undergo famines -- hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death," while in "The End of Affluence", Ehrlich stated, "One general prediction can be made with confidence: the cost of feeding yourself and your family will continue to increase.
There may be minor fluctuations in food prices, but the overall trend will be up". According to Ehrlich, the United States would see its life expectancy drop to 42 years by 1980 because of pesticide usage, and the nation's population would drop to 22.6 million by 1999. (Note the population is 300 million in 2008 and life expectancy continues to go up.)
Criticizing Ehrlich on similar grounds as Simon was Ronald Bailey, a leader in the wise use movement, who wrote a book in 1993 entitled Eco-Scam where he blasted the views of Ehrlich, Lester Brown, Carl Sagan and other environmental theorists. While of the repeated theorizing Simon complained "As soon as one predicted disaster doesn't occur, the doomsayers skip to another... why don't the [they] see that, in the aggregate, things are getting better? Why do they always think we're at a turning point -- or at the end of the road?"
In his book Betrayal of Science and Reason, Ehrlich discussed these earlier predictions of his and re-affirmed his stances on population and resource issues. There has been much criticism of the book from demographers today (chiefly Phillip Longman in his 2004 The Empty Cradle) who argues that the "baby boom" of the 1950s was an aberration unlikely to be repeated and that population decline in an urbanized society is by nature hard to prevent because of the economic liability children become.
The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg disputes many of the claims in the book. Various Indices of Economic Freedom claim that lack of property rights, not high population density, is the real cause of famine. Thus, countries such as China, India, South Korea, and Botswana were able to eliminate their famines by adopting property rights.
Likewise, countries such as Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and North Korea created famines when they abolished property rights. Ehrlich's book does not explain why South Korea is so much better off than North Korea, but an analysis of property rights explains this difference very well.
Additional note: Lester Russell Brown (born 1934) is an environmental analyst who has written over twenty books on global environmental issues. His works have been translated into more than forty languages. He is the founder of the Worldwatch Institute and founder and president of the Earth Policy Institute which is a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C. (Research as in public policy, not science.)
One of his best known works is Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble. The recipient of forty honorary degrees and a MacArthur Fellowship, among numerous other awards, Brown has been described by the Washington Post as "one of the world's most influential thinkers." In 1991, the American Humanist Association named Brown the Humanist of the Year. He has no science credentials, he is more a humanist' philosopher.
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