
Anti-Semitism more prevalent on the Left

The ADL is unreliable on these issues as it isn't Jewish but Leftist ignoring leftwing and Muslim Jew haters. And quoting Don Fedor,

Despite its reputation, the ADL is not a Jewish organization. There's nothing distinctly Jewish (i.e., grounded in Jewish law) about its operations. It's really just another left-wing group, with a leftist agenda. Politically, it is virtually indistinguishable from the American Civil Liberties Union, People for the American Way, or Americans United for the (so-called) Separation of Church and State.

Second atheist and leftist use Judaism as a cover while rejecting its religious aspects. They conflate leftwing politics as Judaism then yell anti-Semitism when those claims are questioned. To quote Mona Charen (October 9, 2008 Hating the New York Times, Part 573),

I'm growing tired of non-Jewish Jews who substitutes liberal politics for religion...For at least a century, large numbers of nominally Jewish Americans have demonstrated far more attachment to liberal politics than to actual Judaism. They declare that Judaism demands social justice, equality, gun control, liberal abortion laws, and an increase in the capital-gains tax and they adhere to these tenets, well, religiously. Columnist and radio personality Dennis Prager likes to say that Jews are the most religious people in America - but for most of them, their religion is not Judaism.

Judaism does command social justice of course - just start with the prophets. But normative Judaism is not the Democratic Party at prayer. Abortion, for example, is traditionally forbidden except to save the life of the mother. The Ten Commandments take a dim view of open marriage. Capital punishment is sanctioned for some crimes. And above all, Judaism demands that human beings worship God, not themselves. It's a free country and secular Jews can believe and say whatever they like. But it is tiresome as well as false for them to parade their liberalism as the authentic expression of a great faith.

Survey: Anti-Semitism on the rise in U.S.

By Stephanie Gaskell, Associated Press

NEW YORK - Reversing a 10-year decline, a new survey released yesterday found that 17 percent of Americans held "hard-core" anti-Semitic views.

"The evidence suggests that a strong undercurrent of Jewish hatred persists in America," said Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, which released the survey.

In 1992, the same survey found that 20 percent of Americans were anti-Semitic. That had fallen to 12 percent in 1998. "We believe that Sept. 11 and the Mideast conflict have clearly had an impact," Foxman said. "As these life-altering events have transformed us as a nation, they have also triggered the anti-Semitism that was already there, but buried beneath the surface."

The survey found that 35 percent of Americans fell into the "middle" category, having some faintly prejudiced views but not any strident bias. Forty-eight percent of the country was deemed prejudice-free, down from 53 percent in 1998.

The findings are based on an "index of anti-Semitic beliefs" used by researchers in four previous surveys over the last 35 years. The survey measured bias by the number of affirmative answers to 11 questions, including: "Do you believe Jews have too much power in the United States?"

Incidents of anti-Jewish attacks, mostly harassment and intimidation, rose in 2002, the ADL said. From January to May, it reported 626 incidents, compared with 564 in the same period last year.

The national survey, conducted from April 26 through May 6, polled 1,000 Americans over age 18. It has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

Posted on Wed, Jun. 12, 2002